
Klóra had her foal!

May 21, 2013 by Eline No Comment

This morning we went to check on the mares, like we do every morning. We have been following Þekla as we thought she would be next to give birth. She was eating, as always (when you look for Þekla you check where the food is…) and no foal. But then, when we looked a little bit away and down the hill, Klóra was together with something little. A yellow dun stallion with a blaze, a very funny blaze. What a lovely guy! Happy with this healthy foal, but I really wished he was a mare haha. Maybe next time, keep up the hope.

We have started to speculate more about the stallions we will use. Kantata will go to Arion frá Eystri Fróðholti. That is a very exciting combination I believe. Aríon is an amazing horse, everybody who saw him last summer will remember him. And that Klóra has already had her foal will change everything, now she can keep Kantata company in the trailer to the south, and we can pick something interesting for her.

Further is lambinseason coming to an end, there are only 21 sheep left, who will give birth over the next week orso. Most sheep are outside. The grass is growing slowly, so we are still feeding them hay, but the pressure is a lot less, so that is nice. Today it is a bit colder, but still dry here and it seems that the weather is getting better in the overal, so that is really nice!

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